Bay Area Therapy

Trauma Therapy for Anxious Bay Area Adults

Helping overwhelmed, anxious, and emotionally detached adult reconnect with their feelings and rediscover themselves

In-Person Therapy in Fremont and Online Therapy Throughout California

Bay Area Therapy for Self-Critical, Overwhelmed, and Disconnected Adults

You Never Think You’re Good Enough

You’ve made it this far in life by keeping your head down and doing the things that you needed to do (go to college, get a job, etc.)

Yet, the success and recognition you've earned feel empty.

You’re anxious and stressed. You overthink A LOT. You’re exhausted from all the demands of work, life, and family.

Your job demands your time and energy, pushing you to exceed expectations and perform.

You’re Overwhelmed by Anxiety and Stress

You feel like you’ve reached a tipping point with anxiety. 

You've always taken pride in your rationality, logic, and your knack for solving problems.

You find yourself trying to "figure them out," to rationalize them away. You try to fit them into neat boxes that make logical sense. It doesn’t work and you end up feeling more stressed and anxious than before. 

Your Relationships Are Suffering

Your relationships aren’t working out how you want to.

Conflicts happen and you don’t know how to fix them. You try to solve the problems in the relationship, yet you don’t feel good enough.

You try hard to be perfect, to be the ideal partner, but it never seems like it’s enough.

When it feels like it’s too much, you shut down and withdraw only to fight again later.

You don’t even know how this is going to work.

You Need Help. Start Therapy Now with a 15-minute Consultation

You realize that you can’t live like this forever.

You wrestle with the harsh critic inside your head. It’s always pointing out your shortcomings and amplifying your feelings of inadequacy realize, You NEED HELP.

You're feeling utterly defeated by the continuous cycle of self-criticism and impossible standard of perfection in both your personal and professional life.

Meet Alex, a Bay Area Anxiety and Trauma Therapist

Alex Ly, A Bay Area Therapist in Fremont

I'm Alex Ly, a therapist based in the Bay Area, and I specialize in working with clients just like you who struggle with anxiety, self-esteem, and trauma.

These are clients who are high-achieving professionals but find themselves trapped in patterns of disconnection and self-criticism. 

I know that beneath these struggles often lie deeper roots of trauma that need to be addressed to begin the healing process truly.

Bay Area Therapy that Addresses Your Trauma Hurts

My approach to therapy is grounded in the understanding that hurt and trauma from our families and upbringings have a profound impact on our lives.

Trauma isn't just about the events themselves but how these experiences embed within us, shaping our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in ways we might not realize.

My approach is to gently uncover and address these underlying traumas, providing a safe and supportive space for clients to explore and heal.

I believe that by getting to the root of these pains, we can unlock patterns of disconnection and self-criticism, allowing for true healing and transformation.

Body - Mind Connection With Brainspotting Therapy

Healing is not just about the mind; it's about the body too.

I utilize Brainspotting as a way to foster deeper trauma healing. This powerful method helps to access and heal trauma stored in the body, offering a release of the hurt and pain stored there. Through Brainspotting, we can work together to unravel the deep-seated pains that contribute to your feelings of disconnection and self-criticism, facilitating healing at the nervous system. 

A Therapy Space That Fosters Healing, Growth, and Rediscovery

As your therapist, I bring a blend of inquisitiveness, curiosity, and warmth to our sessions. My goal is to create a space where you feel seen, heard and understood.

I'm here to challenge you, yes, but also to support you every step of the way as you embark on this journey towards change. Therapy with me is about exploring the depths of your experiences and emotions in a way that is both empathetic and empowering.

I want you to know that change is possible. With the right support and therapeutic approach, you can transform your life. You can move beyond the cycles of self-criticism and disconnection. You can develop a deeper understanding of yourself and forge more meaningful connections with others.

Transform Your Life With Therapy in the Bay Area

Imagine a life where the endless cycle of self-criticism and disconnection is no longer your reality. Envision what it would be like to have an understanding of your emotions, not as obstacles to be overcome with logic, but as integral parts of your life to be embraced and understood.

The self-criticism that once felt like a constant companion begins to quiet down, replaced by a voice of self-compassion and understanding.
In your relationships, imagine moving from disconnection to genuine connection. You'll learn to communicate in ways that foster understanding and intimacy, building stronger, more fulfilling relationships with your partner, family, and friends.

Now, you might be wondering, "Is this possible for me?" The answer is a resounding yes.

As your therapist, I'll be with you every step of the way, offering the support, guidance, and insights you need to navigate this path.

If you're ready to take the first step towards this transformation, I invite you to reach out for a free 15-minute consultation. It's an opportunity for us to connect, discuss your goals for therapy, and see how we can work together to achieve the changes you're seeking.

Schedule your free consultation for Bay Area Therapy Today! 

Bay Area Therapy Specialties

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Alex Ly