4 Ways to Overcome Low Self-Esteem: Tips from a Bay Area Therapist

Bay Area Therapist on Self-Esteem

Bay Area Therapist

As a Self-Esteem Therapist, often clients will come in because they have self-esteem issues that they want to work through. They want to know how to be confident, to speak up for themselves, and to find their sense of worth. Complex trauma makes it difficult for self-esteem to develop without healing. However, it is possible to overcome trauma and develop positive self-esteem.

First, let me be clear that self-esteem really looks and is defined differently from person to person. For example, the rich, successful, charismatic, philanthropist might "appear" to have high self-esteem and claim that he does, but a deeper look may prove otherwise. Often clients who come into my office get mixed up between appearing vs actually having self-esteem.

I define it as a person's ability to love and accept themselves. Most importantly it is one’s ability to recognize their internal worth and appreciate it in the moment. Here are my top recommendations for building your self-esteem.

Self-Esteem Therapist Tip #1: Develop a good narrative

Changing beliefs can be difficult especially if you have many negative beliefs, to begin with. But a good place to start is to identify what you currently believe about yourself, others, and the world around you. Then ask yourself whether these beliefs are helpful and make you feel better. Often our beliefs exist to protect us but they can become more of a burden when they outlive their usefulness. Changing them is a great way to develop healthier beliefs believing that you have qualities that make you fundamentally lovable is helpful as well. Notice the word I am emphasizing is "fundamental" beliefs because they are the foundational beliefs that we build other positive belief systems.

When we try to develop a good narrative, it will be quickly countered by our internal critic who will tell us otherwise. It can tell us why we are not good enough, why we cannot succeed, and point out ways that we fail. Everyone has an inner critic and it has a role that is supposed to be helpful (emphasis on "suppose to".) But a nonstop inner critic can start to hurt our self-esteem. Changing them is a great way to develop healthier beliefs.

Self-Esteem Therapist Tip #2. Be Mindful of your critical voice

When we try to develop a good narrative, it will be quickly countered by our internal critic who will tell us otherwise. It can tell us why we are not good enough, why we cannot succeed, and point out ways that we fail. Everyone has an inner critic and it has a role that is supposed to be helpful (emphasis on "supposed to".) But a nonstop inner critic can start to hurt our self-esteem.

Self-care is an important piece in self-esteem because it is showing yourself that you matter. It can be as simple as eating healthy, exercising, and getting enough sleep. It can also include setting boundaries and making sure that you set enough time to do things that you enjoy. these steps or feel stuck, please seek professional help. There is nothing wrong with getting the help you need to thrive and do well in life. are. It can be unique as the expressions above or as basic and universal as eating healthy, drinking water, and getting adequate sleep. You will be amazed by how much self-care can do for your self-esteem.

Self-Esteem Therapist Tip #3. Avoid Comparing Yourself

A common trap to get stuck into is comparison. This is because comparison is our attempt to get our validation and worth from external sources rather than internal. We compare ourselves in areas such as material possessions, status, knowledge, and even character traits! When we do this to ourselves it takes us out of our own story and the positive foundations that we built and focusing on others. While it may be helpful to notice good qualities and things in others, it can easily become toxic envy and self-comparison when we start seeing ourselves as less than because of what we lack.

Protecting ourselves from comparison means learning to acknowledge the valuable things that we have in addition to the things that we want. A great way to avoid comparison is often practicing gratitude where you are genuinely appreciative of things that you already have without negating the genuine feelings of desires and wants.

Self-Esteem Therapist Tip #4. Take Care of Yourself

Self-care is an important piece of self-esteem because it is showing yourself that you matter. It can be as simple as eating healthy, exercising, and getting enough sleep. It can also include setting boundaries and making sure that you set enough time to do things that you enjoy.

Unfortunately, the "work hard play hard" culture that many of us are living in often means that individuals swing back and forth between overworking and then excessive self-indulgence. But good self-care is really about doing the things to operate at optimal well-being. Self-care could look differently depending on the individual but the most important thing to do is to prioritize yourself and your needs.

A simple way to know is to ask yourself, was that restful? Did that activity or task meet my needs? Often we can be surprised by our internal answers. For example, a self-care activity I do every morning is to make sure that I make pour-over coffee for myself because the act of making coffee is relaxing and helps me get centered. A friend of mine likes to organize her week with bullet journalling as her way of self-care. It can be unique as the expressions above or as basic and universal as eating healthy, drinking water, and getting adequate sleep. You will be amazed by how much self-care can do for your self-esteem.

Get Quality Self Esteem Therapy in the SF Bay Area

Self-esteem can be difficult to develop, but learning some basic skills can go a long way. However, there are sometimes things in our lives that may be big barriers that can prevent people from thriving and developing self-esteem. If you find it difficult to do any of these steps or feel stuck, please seek professional help. There is nothing wrong with getting the help you need to thrive and do well in life. Therapy can be helpful. I specialize in helping adults build their self-esteem by working on developmental trauma and teaching skills to better manage anxiety and stress. If you want to work on your self-esteem, contact me for a free 15-minute consultation


5 Signs of Low Self-Esteem from a Bay Area Therapist