What to Expect from Seeing an Asian American Therapist in the Bay Area

What should I expect from an Asian American Therapist? In this space, we explore what to expect when seeing an Asian American Therapist. Mental health care isn't just a universal concept; it's a deeply personal experience that intertwines with our cultural identity, family dynamics, and personal growth. As an Asian American therapist, I’ll help you get ready for therapy by talking about what to expect so that you’ll be ready to face them in therapy.

Asian American Therapy ENTAILS setting Goals and AMAZING OUTCOMES

Asian American Therapist Bay Area

All therapy should start and end with amazing goals and outcomes. As an Asian American, mental health stigma is real and part of it is because Asian Americans think that I’m just “talking to someone.” As a result, the outcomes and goals of therapy are not very tangible and therefore not worth it. Why would you spend thousands of DOLLARS to see a therapist when its just “talking to someone?”

Therapy is more than that. A good therapist should set REAL goals and outcomes that benefit YOUR life. I go beyond just dealing with a “mental health ailment” and focus more on how AMAZING therapy translates to tangible and real positive outcomes in your life. Therapy with a good Asian American Therapist would entail coming up with goals in therapy and a way of knowing when those goals in therapy are met.

Your Asian American Therapist Should Establish Expectations

It should also establish expectations about what therapy entails.
Do you come once a month? Twice a Month? How long should it take?
While every person’s mental health is different, a good therapist should give an idea of what therapy should be and how therapy works. Its common for clients to come in and not know what the expectations are and as a result get poor outcomes. Making sure that you are at least aware of session frequency, length of therapy, and goals is important.

Dealing with “Saving Face” or Indirectness

Look therapy is tough and often requires us to take a deep look at ourselves. But this breaks one of the cultural norms which is about “saving face.” We don’t want to be truly seen for who we are. Often that is because of the shame-based systems that we grew up in that prevent us from being honest and authentic. An Asian American Therapist will understand this and look to find ways to help you move away from shame-hiding and toward honest authenticity. Often this process can be uncomfortable because we are often told that if we are truly seen and known, we will be rejected and hurt. Therefore we’re afraid of removing our masks, asking for our needs, and being real with people.

Remember, therapy is a place of honesty and growth. Without honesty, there is no healing and growth.

Dealing with Asian American Family Dynamics

Family is a tough issue for most Asian Americans. It can be a great source of both love and pain. This is especially true if you’ve grown up in an immigrant culture where Western and Eastern values clash. A good Asian American Therapist will help you address this issue be helping you navigate your family dynamics. This means learning to untangle yourself from unhealthy expectations and roles that keep you stuck in your personal growth. It also means learning to change dynamics by setting boundaries and expressing needs, and feelings. Remember, this journey is about creating positive change, not just within you but potentially within your family dynamics as well, leading to a healthier, more fulfilling relationship.

Picture of Alex Ly, Asian American Therapist

Get Great Outcomes by Seeing an Asian American Therapist

As we conclude this exploration of what to expect from an Asian American therapist, remember that starting therapy is a courageous step towards self-discovery and healing.

If you're ready to challenge cultural norms, navigate complex family dynamics, and embrace a journey of honesty and growth, I'm here to guide and support you. Let's work together to set meaningful goals, navigate the intricacies of your identity, and achieve the amazing outcomes you deserve. Reach out today to take the first step in transforming your life with a therapy experience that truly understands and values your unique cultural perspective.

I invite you to a 15-minute consultation where we can discuss your goals and how therapy can be a powerful tool in your life.


Top Myth about Therapy for Asian Americans


How to find an Asian American Therapist in the Bay Area