What to Ask a Trauma Therapist in SF Bay Area

Trauma Therapist on Questions to ask in a Consultation

How do you make sure you get the most out of your consultation? The secret is to ask good questions so that you can make sure that your therapist is the right fit for you.

However, it can be hard to know what to ask.

I listed below a few questions to bring up with your potential therapist.

How often do I have to come into Trauma Therapy?

Every clinician has a different way of doing therapy frequency. While most therapists suggest every week for therapy, some do not hold on to the frequency strictly.

Some therapists are short-term but intensive and require two times a week. Some therapists also change frequency depending on the treatment stage, with some therapists reducing frequency as therapy progresses.

Having this conversation is also essential due to the costs of therapy. You may need to factor that in when deciding on whether a therapist is right for you.

How long does Trauma Therapy Take?

The total length of therapy can vary, with some clinicians stating that you should be in treatment for years while others might say you can get results after two sessions.

Each therapist approaches the duration of therapy differently, and it helps to be informed to know what that length could be. Knowing how long therapy will take also enables you to get a sense of how much therapy can cost in total.

How does Trauma therapy work?

There is no uniform way of doing therapy, and each therapist has its unique way of providing therapy. Even with therapists who use similar modalities and techniques, their implementation and style can vary.

How clients make progress in therapy also differs from therapists. Some therapists are very structured and set the agenda and pace for therapy. Other therapists are more open-ended and allow the clients to do therapy at their own pace. Is therapy more like a conversation? Or are you going to do worksheets in session?

Some therapists also use specialized techniques and frameworks for helping clients, such as EMDR, Brainspotting, or Emotion-Focused Therapy. Behind each framework is a different theory behind how it will change clients. Getting a good idea of how it will feel like in therapy can help you decide if this therapist is a good fit.

Do you have experience in (insert issues) here?

Depression? Eating Disorders? LGBTQ identity? Asian American families?

There are swaths of issues that a therapist may not have any training or skills in treating.

No therapist has training and expertise in all matters. Seeing a therapist without specialized training or experience can even be harmful in some instances. Make sure that the therapist you are working with has experience in what you are dealing with. Otherwise, you are wasting your time and money and may potentially hurt yourself.

Get Help Today. See a Trauma Therapist in the Bay Area.

I hope that helps! Ask these questions, and you will get the most out of your consultations.

Remember that the point of consultation is to see whether you are a good fit for the therapist and if you are feeling good about this therapist, schedule a session with them.

To learn more about how to find a therapist, check out this article.

Want to get started with Trauma therapy? Click below for a free 15-minute consultation


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