3 Reasons Why Your Emotions are Important - A Self-Esteem Therapist Explains

"Your emotions aren't important."

"Don't listen to your feelings."

"Your feelings don't matter."

These are statements that well-meaning individuals tell others when dealing with emotions.


Often emotions are thought of as fickle, weak, and undeserving of your attention. In a society where cognitive capacities are valued above anything else, it's easy to fall into the trap you neglecting your feelings and ignoring them.

As a Self-Esteem Therapist, I observe that for new clients entering therapy, one of the difficult adjustments and tasks to develop is accessing emotions. It is common not to know how you feel or when assessing how you feel; the best response is "good" or "bad." Being conditioned to ignore how you feel can lead to losing touch with a valuable resource and, ultimately, a part of your humanity.

So why are emotions important then? Why do therapists encourage clients to be more in touch with them? Here are my reasons why emotions are valuable.

Emotions are a Source of Information.

It is easy to think that your emotions are irrational and meaningless. This thinking happens when you are out of touch with your emotions.

Do you ever wonder what it means when you feel sad, angry, or happy?

The ability to be curious about your feelings opens up information about yourself and the world around you. Maybe you feel sad because you are lonely, and that is information about yourself and your situation. Or you feel angry because you are offended and hurt by others. Without this information, you lose access to your intuition and make decisions that don't help you.

Our emotions also give us information about who we are as individuals.

Often the most significant barrier to discovering authenticity and being true to yourself is the inability to listen and access your feelings. Without our feelings, it can be easy to make certain decisions for the wrong reasons. For example, you may choose a work line because it "logically makes sense" based on money or status rather than something you enjoy or find fulfilling.

Or you may be friends with people out of a desire to feel significant or wanted rather than whether you enjoy their company. Considering your emotions to make decisions and process information allows you to live a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Emotions Connect us with Deeper Parts of Ourselves.

Our emotions let us know what is going on deep down inside of us. Often we avoid deeper parts of ourselves because it is full of pain, and insecurity and it is easier not to be aware of our feelings. Often, what drives our everyday decisions and often unwanted behaviors are the elements and emotions inside us.

Your emotions also hold many of the traumatic wounds and hurt that have occurred in your past. These feelings drive our everyday behaviors and thoughts. Understanding and acknowledging our feelings allows us to access these pains and hurts and heal them.

Connecting to yourself also allows you to access your creativity. Not only is your depth a place that harbors pain, but it can also be a place of resources and strength.

This concept might be hard to imagine, but yes, emotions are not the fickle icky uncontrollable things that you want to avoid or bottle up.

Emotions Allow us to Connect with Others.

Emotions allow you to access parts of yourself that are vulnerable and sacred. When you share those parts with others, it fosters connection. Being able to connect at a deep level is what makes our lives as humans valuable. It also allows us to feel less alone. It can be easy to have friends but no connections, leaving you feeling isolated and alone.

Deep emotional connections require us to be in touch with our feelings and the feelings of others. Doing this may feel scary at first, especially for people who have been hurt in the past by others. But being vulnerable and connecting with others is valuable to your well-being.

I hope that after reading this, you find your own emotions are valuable and worth acknowledging. They are a vital ingredient to your well-being and living a whole and vibrant life.

Find Confidence and Hope. See a Self-Esteem Therapist Today!

Often it is common not to know where to start or have painful experiences that make accessing your emotions painful or difficult.

If that is the case, seeing a professional such as a therapist or counselor can help you find the healing you need. Get started on that process by seeing a Self-Esteem Therapist who can give you the proper tools so that you can build your self-esteem today. Learn more by scheduling a consultation.


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